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arm ds-pg网赌软件

软件大小:0.59 m 软件性质: 免费软件
更新时间:2013/4/28 10:33:35 应用平台:win9x/win2000/winxp
下载次数:4513 下载来源:米尔科技
软件语言:英文 软件类别:arm工具手册 > ds-5 手册

arm ds-5 license management guide

chapter 1 conventions and feedback

chapter 2 introduction

2.1 supported platforms ................................................................................................ 2-2
2.2 tool licensing schemes ........................................................................................... 2-3
2.3 types of license ....................................................................................................... 2-4
2.4 node-locked license scheme ................................................................................... 2-5
2.5 floating license scheme .......................................................................................... 2-6
2.6 arm license manager ............................................................................................ 2-9
2.7 arm web licensing portal ...................................................................................... 2-10

chapter 3 requesting your license

3.1 accessing the arm web licensing portal from the license manager ...................... 3-2
3.2 information required for a license ............................................................................ 3-4

chapter 4 using a node-locked license

4.1 installing a node-locked license using the arm license manager .......................... 4-2
4.2 installing a node-locked license manually (windows only) ...................................... 4-3
4.3 installing a node-locked license manually (unix/linux only) .................................... 4-4

chapter 5 using a floating license

5.1 configuring the client licensing ................................................................................ 5-2
5.2 using the arm license manager ............................................................................ 5-3
5.3 using the control panel (windows clients only) ...................................................... 5-4
5.4 using the command line (unix/linux clients only) .................................................. 5-5

chapter 6 frequently asked questions about licensing

6.1 how does flexnet find a license file? ...................................................................... 6-2

id092812 non-confidential

6.2 can i use flexnet with more than one product? ..................................................... 6-3
6.3 how do i combine licenses? .................................................................................... 6-4
6.4 how do i find my product serial number? ................................................................ 6-5
6.5 how do i move my license to another computer? .................................................... 6-6
6.6 do the arm development tools support borrow? .............................................. 6-7
6.7 do arm licenses support queuing? ........................................................................ 6-8
6.8 why can i not find the lmhostid utility? .................................................................... 6-9
6.9 what is the format of a license entry? ................................................................... 6-10

chapter 7 troubleshooting client configuration

7.1 license apparently missing error ............................................................................. 7-2
7.2 my node-locked tools fail with flexnet error -8: invalid license key (inconsistent
authentication code) ................................................................................................ 7-3
7.3 how can i change the order in which my license sources are accessed? ............... 7-4
7.4 how can i optimize floating license checkout times? ............................................... 7-5
7.5 can i use a remote floating license server? ............................................................ 7-7
7.6 why am i getting flexnet error -15: cannot connect to floating license server system? 7-8

chapter 8 troubleshooting server configuration

8.1 how can i run my flexnet server more securely? ................................................... 8-2
8.2 server debug log reports “invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)” .. 8-3
8.3 can i define the order in which licenses in a mixed version license file are issued? 8-4
8.4 how can i tell how many floating licenses are in use? ............................................ 8-5
8.5 server debug log reports “(armlmd) cannot open lock file” or “cannot communicate withlmgrd” ....................................................................................................................... 8-6
8.6 what version of the floating license server daemons must i use? ........................... 8-7
8.7 how can i limit user access to particular licensed features? ................................... 8-8
8.8 why am i getting “denied” messages in the server log? ..................................... 8-10
8.9 how can i manage the size of the server debug log file? ...................................... 8-11

chapter 9 setting up a floating license server

9.1 installing the server software ................................................................................... 9-2
9.2 installing a floating license ....................................................................................... 9-4
9.3 starting a floating license server .............................................................................. 9-5
9.4 shutting down a floating license server












